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Highlights to NACA Program

  • No down payment

  • No closing cost

  • No mortgage insurance

  • No credit score requirement

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How many NACA transactions have you closed successfully? 36

  • Are you an in-house, referral or outside agent working with NACA? I am an outside NACA REALTOR assisting home buyers/sellers with their journey whether buying or selling a NACA property.

  • Do you have to be a first time home buyer to buy a home with NACA? No, but if you own a property, the home has to be sold before you can get a NACA mortgage.

  • What is the difference between a non-priority and priority member? Priority member is low to moderate income combined income that is less than the median family income for the MSA where they are buying a home. Non-priority members are borrowers with combined income greater than the median income for the MSA where they are buying a home.

  • What's the median income for Washington Metro Area (DC, MD & VA)? Typically, it's $139,700 for each county. To check, go to MEDIAN INCOME Lookup tool by zip code - click here

  • What are the current interest rates with NACA? Click here

The NACA program, short for Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America, is a nonprofit homeownership organization that aims to help low- to moderate-income individuals and families achieve affordable and sustainable homeownership. Through its comprehensive program, NACA provides education, counseling, and access to mortgage loans with favorable terms.


One of the primary components of the NACA program is the Homebuyer Workshop. This workshop serves as an introduction to the NACA program and covers various topics related to homeownership. Participants learn about the NACA mortgage product, which is known as NACA America's Home Mortgage. This mortgage is designed to provide favorable terms, such as no down payment requirement, no closing costs, and no need for perfect credit scores.

During the Homebuyer Workshop, attendees also undergo a Budget Analysis. This analysis helps individuals assess their financial situation and determine their readiness for homeownership. NACA counselors review income, expenses, and debt to provide guidance on setting a realistic budget and establishing a savings plan.

Required Documentation is another crucial aspect covered in the program. NACA provides participants with a list of documents necessary for the mortgage application process. These documents typically include proof of income, tax returns, bank statements, and identification documents. NACA counselors assist individuals in gathering the required documentation to streamline the application process.

Housing Counseling is an integral part of the NACA program. Housing counselors work closely with participants to provide personalized guidance and support throughout the homeownership journey. They help individuals understand the various steps involved in the process and address any concerns or questions that arise.

After completing the Homebuyer Workshop and counseling sessions, participants create an Action Plan. This plan outlines the specific steps and timelines for achieving homeownership goals. It serves as a roadmap for individuals to follow and helps them stay on track throughout the process.

Once individuals are ready to move forward with purchasing a home, NACA offers a Purchase Workshop. This workshop provides in-depth information on finding the right property, including tips for evaluating neighborhoods, understanding market conditions, and assessing property values. NACA also educates participants on the Purchase Agreement, a legally binding contract that outlines the terms and conditions of the home purchase.

During the Purchase Workshop, participants learn about the Home Inspection process. NACA emphasizes the importance of conducting a thorough inspection to identify any potential issues or repairs needed in the home. The organization provides guidance on selecting a qualified home inspector and understanding inspection reports.

Following the home inspection, there is a Re-Negotiation Period in which participants have the opportunity to address any concerns or repairs discovered during the inspection. NACA counselors assist in navigating this period and guide individuals through the negotiation process with the seller.

Credit Access is another key element of the NACA program. NACA helps individuals understand their credit scores, improve their credit profiles if needed, and gain access to affordable mortgage loans. NACA has a reputation for working with individuals who have lower credit scores or limited credit history.


Once individuals have successfully completed the above steps, they can move forward with the Mortgage & Lender Commitment. NACA has partnerships with various lenders who offer favorable terms and conditions to program participants. The organization assists individuals in selecting a suitable lender and obtaining a mortgage commitment.

Homeowners Insurance is an essential aspect of homeownership, and NACA educates participants on obtaining appropriate insurance coverage. They provide information on understanding insurance policies, selecting reputable insurance providers, and securing affordable premiums.

Before the final closing, participants go through a Final Walk-Through of the property. This walk-through ensures that any agreed-upon repairs have been completed, and the property is in satisfactory condition.

As the closing day approaches, individuals must have the necessary Funds for Closing. NACA provides guidance on understanding the closing costs and ensures participants are prepared to cover these expenses.

Finally, on the Closing Day, individuals become homeowners. NACA facilitates the closing process and ensures that all necessary legal documents are signed, funds are transferred, and the property officially changes ownership.

Throughout the homeownership journey, NACA encourages individuals to work with NACA Realtors. These real estate agents are familiar with the NACA program and its requirements, making them well-equipped to assist participants in finding suitable properties, negotiating contracts, and navigating the home buying process.

In summary, the NACA program provides a comprehensive roadmap to homeownership. It combines educational workshops, budget analysis, counseling, and access to favorable mortgage terms to help low- to moderate-income individuals and families achieve their dreams of owning a home. Through the various steps and components of the program, NACA ensures that participants are well-prepared, informed, and supported throughout the entire process of purchasing and maintaining a home.

The closest NACA offices are Washington DC, Baltimore, MD and Richmond, VA.